ACORN and the Connecticut Working Families Party
I learned an interesting fact earlier this week regarding the protest by the Connecticut Working Families Party in front of AIG headquarters and at private residences. The useful idiots pictured to above were recruited by ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN also paid for the bus and apparently co-founded the Connecticut Working Families party. Where does one have to learn this? Everywhere but the mainstream media. Let us not forget that ACORN was organized and it's leader trained by none other than President Obama. These thuggish tactics are not only ACORN's, they are also his. And speaking of President Obama, did you know he fired the CEO of General Motors Rick Wagoner? You can read about it in detail here. Of course President Obama said he doesn't want to run the auto companies, but yet he fired GM's CEO. This is an unprecedented abuse of power but typical of the heavy handed tactics of the Obama administration. So, the next time you hear of poor or unethical behavior by ACORN, remember where it comes from.
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