The picture to the left is that of Speaker of the House, Nancy
Pelosi. Shaking her finger at you and telling you how it's going to be and you just better shut up and listen and don't you dare to have a point of view that differs from hers or she will shut you down. For example, when questioned as to why she has blocked attempts by republicans to lift a moratorium on offshore energy exploration, her reply was: “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet, I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuse for their failed policy.” Wasn't she the one who said if we elected democrats in 2006 to the house and senate they had a "plan" to reduce fuel prices? Who has the failed policy? The most recent example of the "leadership" of the house that Speaker
Pelosi provides came just last week. She, and the Democrats, apparently trying to stifle debate in the most effective way possible, voted to adjourn, at 11:20 in the morning mind you, for a 5 week break over the objections of several republicans. The adjournment was specifically done so that Dictator
Pelosi could avoid scheduling a vote on offshore drilling. This quote from Michigan GOP Representative Thaddeus
McCotter says it all: "This is the people's House, this is not
Pelosi's politiburo." Even though the session was now over, the republicans continued to speak. The democrats, in their infinite wisdom, shut off the lights and the microphones. The resourceful republicans figured out how to turn the power back on and continued their one sided debate. Only to be shut down again! The republicans continued without the aid of the microphones until 5:00 p.m.
A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
If you take away the aggressive nationalism, you have Speaker Pelosi's brand of liberalism in a nutshell. You'll notice I didn't take out the "often racism" part of the definition. Do I then mean that Pelosi is a racist? Nope, she thinks EVERYONE is inferior, but not by race, by political philosophy. A superiority complex of sorts. She demonstrates this by shutting down the free and open debate by elected representatives of the people of the United States of America, specifically republicans. Because she knows all, she is omnipotent, for god's sake she is trying to save the planet!

And if you don't toe the line, you'll get the finger!
Her day will come and it will be oh so sweet. No one can shovel that kind of crap for so long and get away with it.
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