We are rapidly becoming a nation of whiny, thin skinned, humorless dolts. A local radio station ran this billboard a few weeks ago and was
immediately assailed by United Latin American Citizens, an activist group, saying they were, what else, offended. What are you, a 4 year old? The intent of this sign is obvious, to stir up this kind of controversy for free publicity. But lets put that aside for the moment. It's an obvious reference to
every body's favorite coffee bean picker, Juan Valdez. And a play on the radio station's tag line, the big one. The sombrero,
pancho and donkey are all part of the gag. To be offended by something so innocuous is truly childish. So something else must be afoot!

Here comes the shakedown. "We don't just want to slap you on the hand and say you're sorry. We also want something long-term to make an impact on the community," That from the man in the picture to the left, and I do mean left, Jason
Riveiro. And there it is folks, a new industry, race hustling. Find a deep pocket and dive in!
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