And the Oscar goes to... Chicken Little

The website for this film, is filled with little gems like this quote from Al regarding the 2005 hurricane season: "what changed in the U.S. with Hurricane Katrina was a feeling that we have entered a period of consequences." As though we've never had hurricanes before. Global warming was supposed to be the cause of the series of strong hurricanes in the 2005 season, but the following season had no storms of hurricane strength. Al says that the oceans will rise more than 20 feet in the next 100 years because of global warming melting the ice at the poles, even though the most dire computer models show a rise of no more than 1 foot. The real reason for films like this, the green movement and useful idiots like Al Gore is wealth confiscation and further government control. All you need to know about global warming is this.... the earth has been warming and cooling for 4.5 billion years. Man has been around for about 195 thousand years and hasn't been producing pollutants in any significant volume until about the last 300 years. Which leaves 4,499,999,700 years of the Earth warming and cooling on it's own, with ice ages occurring about every 40,000 to 100,000 years. Our contribution to the rising temperature of the earth is not even large enough to qualify as minuscule. Folks, we're not even on the radar. Beware of men like Al gore, he has his hand in your pocket and a strong belief that the government should tell you how to live your life.
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And after all of his awards, kudos, and attaboys he is outted for burning through as much or more energy in 1 month than an average family uses in 1 year.
But it's alright because he pays for "carbon offsets".
People actually believe this crap (I mean "carbon offset")?!
I'm sitting here at my computer scratching my balls, smoking a cigar and throwing nickels in a jar to pay for my carbon offsets.
Man if all of the bad stuff in Al Gore's movie Inconvenient Truth is even SOMEWHAT true, then man I WANT my Oceans rising 20 feet so I can go surfing like a man, and with the arctic icecaps melting that will mean we can actually make a tourist utopia out of Antarctica.
If this is the Global Warming scenario, I LOVE it!
Man I'm on the site.. Reading the following:
Malaria in places like the Columbian Andes
More Category 4 and 5 hurricanes
Heat Waves
Arctic Ocean being Ice free in summer by 2050
Deaths from Global Warming, 300,000 people a year (hell that's nothing..maybe that's the number of people who die actually BELIEVING this "film")
279 species of plants and animals already responding to global warming moving closer to poles(or maybe the polls to vote for him) but this would mean antarctica could substain human life and americans and guns it'd be hunting season all year!
more than a million species driven to extinction (I'm GLAD there's a natural predator to thin the herd)
Wildfires - well if we're living in antarctica by al gore's preictions we'll have nothing tow orry about lol..
So man..Where's my global warming?
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