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Scootertrash Conservative

Monday, January 15, 2007

The first 100 hours

Favors for businesses in the area you represent, catty swipes at respected cabinet members, so far this is not looking like the ultra ethical government we were promised by the Democrats. Let's start with Nancy Pelosi. She promised the most honest, open and ethical Congress since Jesus was a teenager. So what happens under her speakership? A major corporation, that just happens to be in Pelosi's district, is exempted from the new minimum wage law by virtue of being in American Samoa, a territory of the United States. The company is Starkist Tuna who's parent company is Del Monte foods, who's headquarters is in San Francisco. I'm sure it's just a coincidence! Riiiiight. Fortunately for the good people of American Samoa, Pelosi was exposed for the fraud that she is, forcing the Democrats to now include all territories in the new minimum wage law. Most ethical my @$$.

One would expect more from a United States Senator than the catty remarks she made recently to Condoleeza Rice at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting. "Who pays the price?" Barbara Boxer asked Rice regarding the war in Iraq. "I'm not going to pay a personal price. My kids are too old and my grandchild is too young. You're not going to pay a particular price, as I understand it, with immediate family. "So who pays the price? The American military and their families." The insinuation is that Rice who is single and childless does not have a dog in this fight, and is maybe less qualified because of that fact. Can you imagine what would have happened if it had been a Republican Senator addressing a democrat female cabinet member in that manner? But then again we republicans are held to a much higher standard. Either way, the suggestion Secretary Rice is somehow less qualified to make judgments regarding the war in Iraq is utterly absurd. If anyone pales by comparison, it's Boxer, which is probably the reason for the remarks in the first place. Let's not forget, Boxer essentially called Rice a liar at her confirmation hearings. So I don't expect much in the way of tactful or dignified behavior from Senator Boxer. One of my new year's resolutions was to put up a post at least once a week. If the democrats keep up their shenanigans at this pace, it will be easy.


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