It's an all Anna Nicole Smith all the time! ABC, NBC CBS, Fox News, MSNBC and anybody with a microphone or a camera are focusing on this story without regard for it's newsworthiness. Is it a surprise that this drug addled, surgically inflated and pharmaceutically deflated woman died so young?. More importantly should it have been the lead story on everything? Of course not on both accounts. I can understand the initial flurry when she died, as we all know the most important thing in the new industry is to be first. Following that there is no justification for the in depth coverage of this person who is famous for having big boobs and being a stoned gold digger. As far as the comparisons to Marilyn Monroe, puleeeese. Will we be talking about this woman 50 years from now?
Why do we get this kind of coverage? It's easy, it attracts viewers quickly. It's a no effort proposition, set up a camera at the first press conference with a microphone even though THEY KNOW nobody knows anything yet. Like cotton candy it's all fluff, it looks like something, but boils down to next to nothing.
Mmmmmm, Cotton Candy.
- Homer Simpson
I'm tired of people being famous just for being famous. I hate that I know them and their stupid, non-sensical, soundbites that spin around in my head for days and days.
So, everyone is stepping up and claiming they are the father of the baby... Zsa Zsa's hubby... even??
So my question is who is gonna take care of Sugar Pie?
I know... I had to go there........
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