Last time I checked.....

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi warned Bush to "calm down with the threats" to veto any troops bill that would contain irrelevant issues and a time line. The last time I checked, Nancy, President Bush is THE Commander in Chief and we are currently involved in a war. If anyone is levelling threats it's you. But now the Dems are showing their true colors, withdrawing support for the troops, making their lives more dangerous by providing a time line to the enemy and voting for a bill for the express purpose that it be vetoed so they can say the President is playing politics. When in reality it is most certainly the Dems playing politics at the expense of American lives. Look up hypocrite in the dictionary, and you will see a picture of Nancy Pelosi.
And now she is in Syria doing her best to further undermine the President.
So true.
It's "Nazi Pelosi"
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