May day
This is the image that pops into my head when I think of immigration. A family fresh from their native country full of hope, a little trepidation and a whole lot of grit and determination. A romantic view for sure, but it's what I see in the faces in pictures like these. My father came to this country from Hungary, my wife's mother, from Okinawa. Both learned to speak English and worked and raised families. It would have never even occurred to my father to live in this country and not speak the language. His grammar was impeccable. He spoke with a thick accent that I was so used to I didn't really hear it. To this day when I'm around someone with a Hungarian accent I know it immediately but it doesn't sound like an accent to me. I love accents, Italian, Arabic, French, Japanese, Hungarian, Scottish you name it, I like it. I love the contributions immigrants have made to our society. I'm not talking about the scientific or industrial contributions, that goes without saying, but the flavors and style they bring with them. Food, artwork, architecture, clothing, music, etc., all enhanced by ideas by people from other countries. It has made America a rich and varied place to live.
This, I fear is the new face of immigration, here illegally, ungratefully and full of anger and protest. Note the A.N.S.W.E.R. protest sign in the background. These illegals have aligned themselves with the commies. They held their protest on International Workers Day! A friggin pinko holiday! May day is a thinly veiled celebration of the idea of socialism, to make romantic the struggle of the laborer against corporations or whatever. I'm not lumping all immigrants in with these yahoos, but if 11 million illegals are falling for the tripe ladled out by the likes of A.N.S.W.E.R. and others, we are in for some trouble. If the first contribution of these new immigrants is to celebrate the fact that they are illegals and to demand rights, what's next?